May 31, 2009

Arrival in Taipei, Taiwan

Came over with one stop over in Thailand / Bangkok. Only saw plastic palmtrees and beautifull written signs on the airplane. De trip itself was long and the air-hostesses keep on coming with food: diner at 6 p.m. and becouse of the 6 hours timedifference breakfast at noone. Picked up at the airport of Taipei by a friendly cabdriver with my name! That was also the end of the communication because ‘no English, sorry’ was all he could say. Nevertheless it was a good trip seeing a lot of asiatic scenery. Was the first at the hotel (they told) and so visited some of suburban Taipei in the afternoon. Hot indead!

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About Me

My work is site-specific. Natural surroundings together with the social and historical context inspire me. With my sculptures I add an extra dimension to the location. I use for my installations topical natural material often combined with cultural material. Materials like willow, oak, plants and trees, and man-made material like concrete, metal and shrink film. Recurring themes in my work are tension, movement, water and light. The intervention of people and natural elements like wind or growth can be a welcome addition to my work. I like it when the public mixes with my work and experiences my installation together with its surroundings. In the end, I want my installations to fit in the site where they are built showing an extra dimension and giving a suprise to the beholder.