June 1, 2009

Meeting at the park

Good sleeping, no jetlag. Got to late for breakfast, the group was waiting for me at the lobby to enter the metro, MTR station almost in the hotel. Thats why my view is a metrowagon! The group of artist is friendly and international. We had a start meeting with staff and colluges. Nice that there are two Taiwanees people, Chao-chen and Chun-sen, to show us around in language and culture. Also there will be transalaters around al the time, good! The Guandu Nature Park itself: I already thought there wouldn’t not wild nature close to Taipei and ... it isn’t. It is a very nice park with a lot of paths, stairs and buildings. So the wide view I was hoping for (withouth water) seems not available. Three options, 1. with no entering path and high grasses, 2. a rather good view but with a fence behind it, 3. inbetween a big golfcourt and the main (hughe) building. Tomorrow at noone I have to make my choise. The first (very) importand one because it is the base of my installation. The Guandu Sculpture Festival 2009 is started!

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About Me

My work is site-specific. Natural surroundings together with the social and historical context inspire me. With my sculptures I add an extra dimension to the location. I use for my installations topical natural material often combined with cultural material. Materials like willow, oak, plants and trees, and man-made material like concrete, metal and shrink film. Recurring themes in my work are tension, movement, water and light. The intervention of people and natural elements like wind or growth can be a welcome addition to my work. I like it when the public mixes with my work and experiences my installation together with its surroundings. In the end, I want my installations to fit in the site where they are built showing an extra dimension and giving a suprise to the beholder.