June 2, 2009

Testing in the heat

Feeling at home already. Woke up at 5:30 in the morning just like home. The site issue today. Got a good talk about it with Stuart Frost, my Norwegian / English collegue. He asked good questions. Decided to test 2 sites with the original bamboo poles to see what is feels like. Got altogether 6 volunteers working and this was a great help today. Put up 6 poles and walked arround. Decided to go to the far best but most difficult site. It is the one with different angles to see my sculpture and the possibility to explore the site closely. It will be a discovery to go there but the view is good! The stream besides it makes a nice curve and will give me the oppertunity to modify my installation to the site, site-specific indeed! And I a came a long way to work overhere so to me it is good the site breathes Taiwanese atmosphere! Had a heavy negotiating with chief Park about the mowing. I like the site rough and wild and not like a lawn. Managed (thanks to translator Emerlad) to arrange only a small curving path to enter the site. Happy about it. Ended the day in the hot spring downtown, super.

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About Me

My work is site-specific. Natural surroundings together with the social and historical context inspire me. With my sculptures I add an extra dimension to the location. I use for my installations topical natural material often combined with cultural material. Materials like willow, oak, plants and trees, and man-made material like concrete, metal and shrink film. Recurring themes in my work are tension, movement, water and light. The intervention of people and natural elements like wind or growth can be a welcome addition to my work. I like it when the public mixes with my work and experiences my installation together with its surroundings. In the end, I want my installations to fit in the site where they are built showing an extra dimension and giving a suprise to the beholder.