June 7, 2009


This day was to me a day of the horizon. The horizontal lines are being made now. Find out with a bit help of the reed, bamboo, Roy (Staab), Christeen (talented creator and scout) and myself. It is a good feeling to have that started because this will be the true creating of the work I am making. Will show lots of choises (the amount of the lines: less is more?), the dificulties by fixing onto the vertical poles and ofcourse its shape. The way the curving lines will be. Like Roy said in his lecture; ‘its all about drawing’. In my case drawing this wavy composition. The lectures were good tonight. I was a bit nervous for mine, espacially when my slides turned out to be a sort of wide screen. But on the show it went allright I suppose. Did a short humoristic introduction of ‘Nederland’. Second the work I am making on Guandu and the inspiration and ideas behind it. And ended with a mixture of ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder pictures’ (token the last years and two this morning) and my previous works. After the ‘way to long’ lectures yesterday we (tonights artists) decided to do it more briefly. Aterwards I thought of a lot of explenations and details I could haven given to give my work a better understanding. Anyway it was like this. The others were less briefly but amazing inspiring to me. The large objects made by Roy and Stuart entered my nature and art heart straight away. Look and enjoy www.stuartianfrost.com plushttp://www.greenmuseum.org/content/artist_index/artist_id-68.html The end of the day I pictured a little movie of exotic sounds in the park: frogs and insects played a real symphony while the full moon was watching at the horizon.

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About Me

My work is site-specific. Natural surroundings together with the social and historical context inspire me. With my sculptures I add an extra dimension to the location. I use for my installations topical natural material often combined with cultural material. Materials like willow, oak, plants and trees, and man-made material like concrete, metal and shrink film. Recurring themes in my work are tension, movement, water and light. The intervention of people and natural elements like wind or growth can be a welcome addition to my work. I like it when the public mixes with my work and experiences my installation together with its surroundings. In the end, I want my installations to fit in the site where they are built showing an extra dimension and giving a suprise to the beholder.